
i'm a car pooler

today was the first day that i car pooled with ben. the wonderful rain/freezing rain/snow didn't make the drive much fun, but the passenger did. ben and i spent most of last winter driving together to blue mountain to go snowboarding. seeing that i was unemployed and ben was semi/part time employed we made the 2 hour trip to craigleith ontario many times. with this years lack of snow these adventures have not happen, and now that ben is in med-school i don't see them happening to often. but the car ride to work and school should be great to keep updated on our lives. things seem to happen and move fast in toronto.

in other news, i finally broke down today and bought some lotion. this winter has been really dry and i've been itching for weeks now. so with the advice of a 'happy' little voice i got myself some lotion. the only thing is that i can't reach the very middle of my back. hmmm, what to do?


Matt said...

Can't reach the middle of your back, eh? Hmmm... that's a dilly of a pickle. Well, I'm sure you'll think of something, you're creative with these types of things.

marty said...

maybe i should go to "SPATULA CITY"

girl said...

try your luck on the wheel of fish


that's happy