
TVO scares the s**t out of me

conversations on the way to blue mt. are always interesting. sometimes i’m surprised about the topics that we get on during the 2 hour drive. later night was no different. a simple conversation about rainbow socks lead to rainbow bright and then all of the great childhood television shows that we loved. as a little side note, dave gillis has an amazing memory for the details of his favourite childhood shows. one of my favourite shows from way back in the day was ‘read all about it’. before the days of HD PRV digital cable there was TVO, ontario’s finest television channel. it had such great shows as ‘today’s special’, ‘sharon lois & bram’s elephant show’, ‘owl tv’ and the very funny ‘parlez-moi’. that French mime gets me every time. but my favourite was ‘read all about it’. now that i’m an adult (that’s still weird to say) i have very vague memories of the show. so I did some surfing to find a fan site about the show. upon doing so i found the picture below of the evil villain from ‘read all about it’. at that exact moment I felt like being electrocuted. i was truly scared. it was some deep childhood memory of being scared during the show that came back to the surface. completey weird moment.

if you want to enjoy the show again, check here.

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