
it's me

i hate photos of me, i am far from photogenic. i feel that the image in my minds eye and the one in the camera lense are two very different things. 'i don't smile like that', 'why is one of my eyes closed' are only two of the many things i think when i see a photo of myself. this is not a lack of self-confidence, far from it. over the past couple years i have become more and more comfortable in my own skin. it is a very important to be happy in your own skin, feelings of discontent can have an affect on all the parts of your life. the truly happy people that i know love themselves and share that love to everyone around them. it's a cool thing to see.

all of this came from a picture (i'm not quite at a thousand words) that i actually like of myself. thanks for the camera dave, and for the shot danielle.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

woot woot Marty...